25 December 2015

The making of "The Goat" mask [3]

Since I had never worked with this material before, I had to start somewhere.
So, after plying a little bit with the plastic, understanding a little bit better of how it worked, I was almost ready to start.

Before actually starting to mold the final form, the work had to be divided into different smaller parts or segments.

When playing with the plastic, I learned that if you heated two different parts of plastic to the molding point you could stick those two parts together, and it would fuse into one piece.
This was key a really important kind of knowledge, because it meant that I could divide the project into really small peaces and pot it all together just by heating them together.

So then I preceded to first dividing the mask in three "big" segments. The jaw, the face and the horns.

With all of this in mind I had to start somewhere, so I decided to start with the jaw.

In order to learn a little better how to make them, I started by looking at different pictures of jaws.
To make it easier to build I preceded by dividing the jaw into two parts, those would be two equal parts, the jaw would be divided in the middle, made by to equal parts. Than when the two parts would be partially made I would heat them together.

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