05 February 2016

The making of "The Goat" mask [9]

At this point I thought of making some teeth to attach on the jaw. I thought on making them fairly big and separately, after they were done I would heat the jaw in the part where I would want the teeth, and press them in.

Some of the teeth

It was around this time that I came across a little problem. Since the jaw was the first thing I did with the plastic it came out very thick. It isn't a big problem the thing is that it's much thicker than the face part.

So in order to correct this a little bit, I destroyed it and made a new one, a simpler and thinner one.

The new simpler jaw

The new simpler jaw

As you can see, it is much thinner than the previous one.
Later I decided to change the teeth to thinner ones, but since have no pictures of them and I'm talking about it an the jaw I thought it would make no harm to tell it now.
Also you may thing that all that I did before with the other jaw was unnecessary, or that at least I could let it out of this posts and jump right to the next part. But as I said before, this is the process of how it was done, with all the error and decisions changes.

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